The Art Bible Child Foundation (ABC) publishes Bible stories from the series ‘What the Bible tells us’ in a number of languages. The booklets have a handy size of 13 x 13 cm. The narrative text accompanying the illustrations follows closely the Bible passage in modern translation. The complete passage is printed in full in the back of the booklets.
The series ‘What the Bible tells us’ (or part of it) is published by ABC in the following languages. Click a language to see a list of titles.
- Arabic
- Bambara
- Chinese (Mandarin)
- Dari (Afghan Persian)
- English
- French
- Haïtian Creole
- Luganda
- Ukrainian
- Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swahili
- Vietnamese
- Zulu
- Middle-East
- Worldwide
Available titles:
- In the beginning
- Noah
- Abraham
- Jacob and Esau
- Jozeph
- The exodus from Egypt
- On the way to the promised land
- Ruth
- King David
- Jonah
- Zechariah and Elisabeth
- Jesus is born
- The twelve-year old Jesus
- Jesus at the wedding in Cana
- Jesus and His disciples
- Jesus heals a paralyzed man
- Jesus and the storm
- Jairus’ daughter
- The Good Samaritan
- The prodigal son
- Bartimaeus
- Zacchaeus
- De workers in the vineyard
- On the way to the Passover
- Jesus is risen
- Ascension and Pentacost
- The man who was baptized
- God makes everything new
- Mali
- Burkina Faso
- Senegal
Available titles:
- Jesus and the storm
- De Good Samaritan
- Bartimaeus
- Zacchaeus
- China
- worldwide
Available titles:
- Jezus is born
- Jesus heals a paralysed man
- Jesus and the storm
- The Good Samaritan
- Bartimaeus
- Afghanistan
- Iran
- Pakistan
Available titles:
- Jesus and the storm
- The Good Samaritan
- UK
- Canada
- Worldwide
Available titles:
- Jesus and His disciples
- Jesus and the storm
- The Good Samaritan
- Bartimaeus
- France
- Canada
- Worldwide
Available titles:
- In the beginning
- Noah
- Abraham
- Jacob and Esau
- Joseph
- De exodus from Egypt
- On the way to the promised land
- Ruth
- King David
- Jonah
- Zachariah and Elisabeth
- Jesus is born
- The twelve-year old Jesus
- Jesus at the wedding in Cana
- Jesus and His disciples
- Jesus heals a paralysed man
- Jesus and the storm
- Jairus’ daughter
- The Good Samaritan
- The prodigal son
- Bartimaeus
- Zacchaeus
- The workers in the vineyard
- On the way to the Passover
- Jesus is risen
- Ascension and Pentacost
- The man who was baptized
- God makes everything new
- Haiti
Available titles:
- In the beginning
- Noah
- Abraham
- Jacob and Esau
- Jozeph
- The exodus from Egypt
- On the way to the promised land
- Ruth
- King David
- Jonah
- Zechariah and Elisabeth
- Jesus is born
- The twelve-year old Jesus
- Jesus at the wedding in Cana
- Jesus and His disciples
- Jesus heals a paralysed man
- Jesus and the storm
- Jairus’ daughter
- The Good Samaritan
- The prodigal son
- Bartimaeus
- Zacchaeus
- The workers in the vineyard
- On the way to the Passover
- Jesus is risen
- Ascension and Pentacost
- The man who was baptized
- Uganda
Available titles:
- Jesus and His disciples
- Jesus and the storm
- The Good Samaritan
- Bartimaeus
- Ukraine
Available titles:
- In the beginning
- Noah
- Abraham
- Jacob and Esau
- Jozeph
- The exodus from Egypt
- On the way to the promised land
- Ruth
- King David
- Jonah
- Zechariah and Elisabeth
- Jesus is born
- The twelve-year old Jesus
- Jesus at the wedding in Cana
- Jesus and the disciples
- Jesus heals a paralysed man
- Jesus and the storm
- Jairus’ daughter
- The Good Samaritan
- The prodigal son
- Bartimaeus
- Zacchaeus
- The workers in the vineyard
- On the way to the Passover
- Jesus is risen
- Ascension and Pentacost
- The man who was baptized
- God makes everything new
- Portugal
- Brazil
- Worldwide
Available titles:
- In the beginning
- Noah
- Abraham
- Jacob and Esau
- Jozeph
- The exodus from Egypt
- On the way to the promised land
- Ruth
- King David
- Jonah
- Zechariah and Elisabeth
- Jesus is born
- The twelve-year old Jesus
- Jesus at the wedding in Cana
- Jesus and His disciples
- Jesus heals a paralyzed man
- Jesus and the storm
- Jairus’ daughter
- The Good Samaritan
- The prodigal son
- Bartimaeus
- Zacchaeus
- The workers in the vineyard
- On the way to the Passover
- Jesus is risen
- Ascension and Pentacost
- The man who was baptized
- Russia
- Worldwide
Available titles:
- Bartimaeus
- Spain
- North and South America
- Worldwide
Available titles:
- In the beginning
- Noah
- Abraham
- Jacob and Esau
- Jozeph
- The exodus from Egypt
- On the way to the promised land
- Ruth
- King David
- Jonah
- Zechariah and Elisabeth
- Jesus is born
- The twelve-year old Jesus
- Jesus at the wedding in Cana
- Jesus and His disciples
- Jesus heals a paralyzed man
- Jesus and the storm
- Jairus’ daughter
- The Good Samaritan
- The prodigal son
- Bartimaeus
- Zacchaeus
- De workers in the vineyard
- On the way to the Passover
- Jesus is risen
- Ascension and Pentacost
- The man who was baptized
- God makes everything new
- Tanzania
- Kenya
- Uganda
- Rwanda
- Burundi
- Mozambique
- DR Congo
Available titles:
- Jesus and His disciples
- Jesus heals a paralysed man
- Bartimaeus
- Vietnam
Available titles:
- Jesus and His dsiciples
- Jesus and the storm
- The Good Samaritan
- Bartimaeus
- South Africa
Available titles:
- Abraham
- Jesus is born
- Jesus and His Disciples
- Jesus and the storm
- The Good Samaritan
- Bartimaeus
- On the way to the Passover
The following ABC-editions are no longer available: Akoose (Bakossi), Amharic, Balanta, Chin; Crioulo, Croatian, Hungarian, Kaingang, Macedonian, Onobasulu, Pashto, Pwo Karen, Romanian, Telugu.
Laminated pictures
Illustrations from the booklets are also available as laminated pictures 21 x 41 cm in size, in sets of approx. 12 pictures per Bible story; the story text added on a seperate leaf is available in several languages. These show and tell pictures are very suitable for groups, who do not have a beamer or something like that to their disposal. ABC has still 8 titles available.
ABC delivers booklets and pictures on request. Delivery is on payment of a reimbursement for production and shipping costs. Separate titles are not delivered, only series.
Other languages
The Netherlands Bible Society originally published the series ‘What the bible tells us’ with illustrations by Kees de Kort, in cooperation with Docete Foundation. In the past decades other Bible societies and organizations have published the series or part of it in more than 90 languages. Some publications can be purchased through our partner organization ZakBijbelBond-Gospel for Guests (The Pocket Testament League Nederland) or through Foundation Gospel Service for foreigners
Are you interested in a publication that is not yet available, or not anymore? ABC will readily serve you. Please realise that a minimum purchase of 500 booklets per title is required. Please ask for possibilities without any obligations.